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Audiobook recording

Запись аудиокниг - сложная и кропотливая работа, успех которой напрямую влияет на восприятие произведения читателем.

Основная особенность данного направления звукозаписи -  правильный выбор дикторских голосов, которые смогут нарисовать в воображении слушателя заложенные авторомом художественные образы и эмоции героев.

Our voices

Russian film and theatre actor, voiceover talent and dubbing master.
Actress and Dubbing Director. Yelena has participated in scoring of more than five hundred feature films, series movies and animated cartoons. She is the “Russian voice” of Julia Roberts and many other Hollywood stars.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Alexander has been working in the field of dubbing since the 80th of the last century. Feature films, animated cartoons and Mexican soap-operas are in this artist’s control thanks to his voice. Woody Harrelson, Bill Nighy, Nick Nolte and others are speaking in his voice.
Service record of Alexander's roles in dubbing is not second to none of his colleagues. A number of Hollywood films and celebrities, to whom this actor granted his voice in the Russian films distribution, is quite extensive. Brian Cranston and Keanu Reeves, Vinsan Kassel and dozens of others are there.